She achieved success with Narnia's chronicles, suffered a rare disease and almost amputated her arm

This is Georgie Henley, who achieved fame for her role as Lucy Pevensie, the girl who discovered a magical world through the closet

There are films that mark a before and a descender in the childhood and adolescence of people around the world, especially if in these cousin fantasy and action. The chronicles of Narnia: the lion, the witch and the wardrobe was one of the Most popular films of 2005, year in which it premiered; So much so that they launched two deliveries more after the first. But it does not sola the tapes took the public's wing, but also its protagonists, among these, Georgie Henley.

The young woman, who is currently 28 years old, achieved fame for her role as Lucy Pevensie, the girl who discovered a magical world through the closet, precisely where the adventure began. But far from fiction, in real life he had to live a fact that marked her forever and that little to do with magic. At 18 he learned that he suffered necroty fasciitis, a strange cooling for which he almost lost an arm, a fact that revealed a while ago.

As explained by the Nacilal Health Service of the United Kingdom, this picture is caused by bacteria, it can occur if a wound is infected and needs hospital treatment on average. The bacteria releases toxins that damage the nearby tissue and the first symptoms, similar to a flu of the of the, can become quickly in vomiting and swelling of the affected areas and cause storms, co -enenanene deenene of -Negrene (sepsis) ehectas and provoke Tombs, co -enenane de Langre (sepsis).

The chronicles of Narnia: the lion, the witch and the closet premiered in 2005

Through a publication on her Instagram account, the young woman explained that the infectious left her scars that she wanted to hide throughout her life. "I lived the shame of feeling different. I was very healthy uncle, both physically and mentally, but I hoped that one day it was the right time to talk about the past. Today is a beginning, ”he began by saying.

Geogie Henley opened his heart and told detail of the cooling he suffered.

Necrosante fasciitis appeared in Henley's life when he was about to start the university. As he explained, his arm ran the risk of being amputated, so it was in something a "exhausting invasive surgery", and I desplabated another reconstructive procedure with skin injertuits, that of the scars left it.

The brands he had on his arm increased his insecurity and did everything to cover them. "During the last nine years I was open about my scars in my personal life, but I completed in the context professional context," he scheduled. As I had a myow that they did not take it for any work, she spent time to cover them with bandages and makeup, and wore garments with sleeves and pants to put the left hand in her pocket.

Georgie Henley is 28 years old.

The industry that I am part of a often focuses on a very narrow idea of ​​what is considered aesthetic 'perfection', and I was concerned that my scars prevented me from getting a job. The truth is that there is no such thing as" Perfection, "but still alive with the shame of feeling different, exacerbated by the expectations that came at the beginning of my early age car, he said.

However of sin, after almost a decade of sentence ashamed, an asset began. “My scars any son to be ashamed of. Son a map of the pain that my body has endured, and the most important thing is a record of my survival, ”he said.

They do not affect my ability as an actress, and I am proud to be a person who has visible scars in this industry. I am sure I will talk more about my experiences in the future, but today I am happy to feel, for the first time in a long time, end of free, complete.

Today, Georgie continues to act and is written. Through his Instagram profile, where he has 374,000 followers, he shares part of his poems, sure herself and became a great inspiration to other other women.

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